13 January, 2007

The sinking of the Titanic

In a world in which you can "trade up" from one school you don't like to a better one, it is important to acknowledge that the car you are in is...about to be traded ...while you are preparing for the big move.

I know, I know. The orchestra played on while the Titanic sank. But, I want a lifeboat. I feel like I am watching the school sink in slow motion. Oddly, in my Regents Prep class today, the students were asked to read an article about treasure hunting. It was eerie.

My school is closing. Staff cuts will also be made even before it does.

This is no longer fair to the students. Those who have no chance of graduating before we close should be placed. Anyone who can graduate should be given a clear outline of what he/she needs to do.

And, the staff should focus on getting those who can to graduate. We should meet and talk about which students they are, what they need and how we can best help them. We should troubleshoot. We should give them their best chance to graduate.

But, we are just running in place.

Maybe, we just can't face the water.

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