30 March, 2007

Would you pay more taxes for:

1) Better schools
2) National Health Care
3) More government sponsored affordable housing
4) More no-kill shelters for animals who are homeless
5) More government sponsored programs to feed people who are hungry
6) More government sponsored job training programs
7) More government sponsored jobs and projects
8) To support more programs to save our planet, public and private through government grants
9) Elections in which candidates can only use a set amount of government funding

I would. What do you think and pass this around--let's get a feel from the blogging community. Even if you don't live in the US, do you think these -- any of these -- are worth paying a bit extra for, at all?

My reasons are
1) We spend too much money on prisons, bad shelters for animals and people (we even pay thousands of dollars a month to filthy hotels to house families) becuse we don't spend this money for schools, housing, etc.. And we don't get a full choice of candidates because we don't think big picture: If you let candidates accept any amount of private funding, they will find a way to get around limits. Let's just level the playing field.
2) We create a metaphorical black hole in our society when we don't do these things. (The illustration shows you essentially that a black hole is a kind of funnel which sucks our energy and does not return it).

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