07 March, 2007

The Life of Riley the ATR: My reward for 14 years of excellent work

The first two periods, I work in the Earth Science classroom. Increasingly, I think the Earth Science teacher is a good guy. Still going too fast, but he has a set curriculum to meet. And two days ago he reviewed for the test and basically then gave a similar test to the review. The trouble is, the kids were so busy being fidgety, angry, disappointed and inconsiderate, they didn't hear it.

Then I have 100 minutes of unassigned time. AND NO PLACE TO BE.

I'm working on a glossary for the class. BUT I HAVE NO COMPUTER TO USE.

My classroom is now the NEW College and Career Prep Center. Just keep adding insult to injury, why don't ya? Make me homeless and put my replacement in my home.

I was in agony today. Intense arthritic pain. On top of it all.

So, I clocked out and went home.

I needed a chair, a computer and some quiet. I have that at home.

Sure, I lost money.....but the pain and the time was much more costly. I napped with my cats who nursed me carefully and steered clear of me when I coughed or applied mentholated pain reliever.

Glossary almost done.

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