24 December, 2006

Henry chomping away!

Henry chomped into hard food for the first time since Tuesday! This is excellent because he went to eat on his own, not because I was politely shoving plates of wet food in his face. He always has access to a little hard food and usually he eats it all, plus wet food, but in his first days of recovery, he was eating an assortment of fish, chicken, herring, white fish -- in every brand from low-brow to various high end, healthy-artsy brands of cat foods. The lady at the pet food store had to ask why I was buying junk food and good food, but when I explained that one of the boys just got out of the hospital, she understood. The goal right now is to EAT. Period. (There must be a Jewish chef at the Wellness plant because they put out a Chicken and Herring flavor which my cats think is wonderful. Larry especially likes it. This proves also that my cats are also semites.)

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