25 September, 2008

To spend or not to spend

At my new ATR position, I was offered the opportunity to create a class on Hip Hop and Poetry.

At 7am, when the class was offered to me, it sounded like a good idea.

....novel, good on the CV
....the kids ought to like it
....I could imagine one or two lessons easily.

After two days of teaching, which went well, I started to panic.


I've already spent more money than I ever wanted to on music I never listen to.
My printer is out of ink and I can't get new ink until the weekend -- that's fine, but at this rate, it'll be a new cartridge every two weeks --- 30 bucks each. Easily.
The copy lady who they said is available hasn't been sighted by ME yet. I don't know when she's available. Someone told me I can slip my requests under the door. That doesn't sound like a plan to me.

There's a great documentary on Hip Hop and Masculinity -- 30 bucks.
There's a lot of criticism -- I can borrow books, some I'll buy because I want to. But again, who makes the copies. Some of this I can download. Here again, a lot of ink.

And how long can we talk about Lyrics, Culture and Fashion before we need to talk about another Genre of music?

Do I move on to Jazz? Blues? More Music, more DVD's, copies.

Ink, ink, ink. And I see myself funding Kinko's whether I like it or not. -- I spent 44 dollars on the first day's materials and I swore I wouldn't do it again.

DO I SPEND SOMETHING LIKE 500 - 750 dollars, ultimately, to develop a course for a job at a temporary assignment at which I will not have been credited as having existed, really, as anything more than a substitute? Do I do this when the Mayor is threatening to fire me and everyone like me?

I went into a panic which coincided with a family emergency and I ended up at home for part of two days.

So far as I can see, I have NO FUTURE as a teacher. Yet, the right thing to do is to break the piggy bank and spend like a bandit on this course "for the kids". But, I can't. Not quite, anymore. I emailed the principal and apologized for my absence, but then explained my dilemma. Can he provide a printer? I have to track down this copy lady by hook or by crook and I have to get her to commit to making some copies for me. I can't fund this myself.

Or, he can put me back into my full-time Dean position and give this course to someone better qualified. Or, I will have to try to teach it as best I can limiting the resources I use and stretching them. I cannot break the bank anymore for anyone else but me.

According to the Department of Education, I do not exist at this school. I am a reserve teacher. Not a creator of curricula. Not a savior of a program.
They will not rescue me if I spend my wages on the course, therefore.

So, I can't.

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