26 September, 2008

The Fine Print

In Klein's Response to Randi's Demands were the following:

"Forced placement contradicts both of those goals. It would be far better to give excessed teachers a reasonable period of time to find a position before they are placed on unpaid leave."

It's clear that Joel Klein has talked with Randi Weingarten about the REALITY of putting ATR's on unpaid leave. That is what he wants to do. Somewhere in their discussions, it has come up as an option.

I feel so GOOD about the printer/copier I have to buy tomorrow to keep myself sane so I can teach my class before I am put on unpaid leave.


LATER THE NEXT DAY... I wrote to Randi Weingarten asking her point blank if I can be put on unpaid leave by Joel Klein and she said that he can't do that because we have a closed contract and that she wasn't giving up our job security. The only condition, under this contract, in which we can be placed on unpaid leave is if there is a citywide layoff and then it is done in reverse Seniority order.

That's good to have in hand, at least, when people tell me that Klein is going to lay me off in January, which people have told me at school. Teachers. Rumors go around, you know.

That doesn't say anything about my life AFTER OCTOBER 2009, when this contract is up. But, I return to my October 2009, fear instead of January 2009 fear.

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