11 October, 2006


Thurmon Munson welcomes you to the great MLB of the skies.

Teterboro is a horrible airport. When my friend Karen called in that she was having engine trouble, they did nothing to help her either. They didn't even have emergency services down at the ground to save her. Emergency vehicles saw sparks far off and decided to investigate.
Why didn't someone help Cory dump that plane in the East River and bale onto a trampoline or land that plane in Central Park....Stranger things have been done.

Besides, his plane was equipped with a feature which would turn it into a parachute? Did it malfunction?

And, what was he doing flying directly over NY space -- I thought small planes were restricted. Wasn't anybody watching?

Say hi to Karen for me. You did as good a job as most of the Yankees in the playoffs. Glad we had you around. It just wasn't our year, and I wish, especially for you, that it had been. But, you made some great early pitches. No one had their game that day, or most of the other days.

Save me some ice cream, okay?


Pacian said...

Hey Floraine!

Might be an idea to munge that email address.

My mum was talking about a small plane flying into a NY skyscraper the other day and it took me a while to realise that you were both talking about the same event.

Definitely question that need answering with this one. If he'd been a rich Arab instead of a rich Yankee, I wonder how different things would have been...

Rachel Grynberg said...


Very true about if this were an Arab.

I think I'll probably just leave the email link, also and erase it from the cover page of the blog.

It's been a week of 14 hour days and then our school was inspected by a team from Cambridge - - actually, just one person. Also, we weren't allowed to talk to the person -- our principal tailored what he saw and didn't saw. My class was on the tour, unfortunately. It was a stressful week.