20 August, 2006


As is my habit, I've visited the blogs of those who have visited mine, and came across a story on Nutter's Notes blog http://nuttersnotes.blogspot.com/ which both tore my heart and also inspired me. Friends of his have a baby who is about to get a bone marrow transplant for a rare immune disorder. They need assistance with items insurance can't cover -- basic things, like the cost for the mom to stay at a nearby motel near the hospital. Bloggers, they are only looking to raise 5000 dollars! They are more than half way there, already. The baby gets the transplant (hopefully) later this month. I just donated 20 dollars, which is what I can do. It doesn't take a heck of a lot of 20 dollar (or less or more) donations to get to 5000 dollars. These people are asking for help for very simple, tangible things. I don't have kids, but as y'all know, I have two cats who get intensive medical care. If someone helped us with cab fare, for example, that would make a real simple and immediately tangible difference. These people have a baby who is in dire health. We can, at least, make it so they don't have to scrounge for change to get a night's sleep nearby. For once, this is something WE CAN DO. WE CAN MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. This doesn't require Bill Gates. And, we can really do it! In this insane world, let's do one fantastic thing!
Here's the link to read more about the baby.


1 comment:

SparkleBrilliantly said...

I'm the Great Aunt of Baby Maddox and you are VERY Sweet to post this. His Bone Marrow Transplant is scheduled for August 26th. Currently he is undergoing 4 treatments of Chemotherapy a day to get ready. He will have one day of rest (August 25th) and than on Saturday the 26th he'll have the procedure. They have a perfect match for him which is Fantastic! There are still obstacles that could arise, but we are praying for the best and are extremely thankful for people like you. After the transplant his minimum hospital stay will be 3 months, hopefully they will be home for Christmas! Then he cannot be taken out in public for a minimum of 1 year, so there are still trying times ahead. I know this for sure, when people we have never met, take time to help, it means so very much to all of our family. Thanks again! Sheila