18 August, 2006

Larry and Henry on Happiness

Larry: Henry snuck up behind me.
H: People!
Larry: Hello--I'm Lorenz Frederick Queequeg Kay, but everyone calls me, Larry. I'm orange, Henry's white, same face, same tail, same food allergies. Not same heart problems, though, or same ear problems. Go figure.
H: People!
Larry: I know, Henry. Hello. First, I want to say thatI put the first picture up for mommy Karen, who I used to play, "pet me or I'll scratch you" with and who thought I was so cute---
H: ---Purr...thank you for listening to me...purr...My mommy named me Henry, but she tends to call me, "Henny" or "Hennybunny" or "Hennybee". It's okay. I forgive her. They all sound good and maybe she just can't decide...purr. I love it when people listen to me...
L: HE LOVES EVERYTHING...That's why I worry. It's not that I don't love everything. It's just, Henry tends to purr first, ask questions later. Like the time he got stuck under the refrigerator and I had to spend forty minutes with my nose pointed at his little rear end, until mommy figured out where he was. You see, I can't control Henry or my mommy. What if she hadn't figured it out? Anyway, I'm always thankful that she did and that Henry is here with me.
You see, he and I used to live on the street. One day, this nice lady, Laila, captured me--I let her because she had been feeding us for months. That's why I trusted her, but Henry was still out looking for food when she came to get me. (I told him she was coming, but back then he was always afraid to be hungry, so...) She PROMISED me she would go get Henry and I knew she would because she always came to feed us practically every day and she fought off people who tried to hurt us. So, I knew she would get Henry and she did, of course. She captured Henry a week later. That was a hard week for me. I was so worried that Henry was by himself. He hates to be alone.
H: purr.
L: That's what he says, now. He cried every night for three weeks when he got here. I told him we were safe, but he wouldn't listen. Sometimes Henry is like one big panic attack.
H: (walking away) I don't know what you are talking about....
L: That's what he does anytime someone brings up his first few weeks in our new home with the hairless cat we call, "mommy". She feeds us every day, cleans up after us, plays with us and is always petting and kissing us. I learned that kissing is like when I wash Henry. It means that we are her little babies. Henry is actually my older brother by a minute. We were born to the same mother and we both have the same face and striped tails to prove it. Henry was the biggest kitten of the litter and just after he was born, I snuck out. As soon as I saw him, I knew, "This is my brother Henry and he will need me for the rest of his life." Henry has a very strange heartbeat and, before we moved in with The Hairless Mommy, he used to collapse after running. I had to watch him for a long time and make sure he was okay. Now Henry takes medicine every night and he doesn't collapse like that. We get our medicine at "the big hospital we drive to".
H: It's not a hospital. It's a SPA. And it was created just for me. When I go there, everybody greets me, and tons of young doctors pet me and cuddle me while they run this little massager over my chest.
L: It's an echocardiogram, Henry.
H: It was invented to massage me.
L: Ok....
H: If it wasn't, then how come every time they use it, I get a massage?
L: I'm glad you like it. (Aside) He thinks life is one big party.
H: It IS a big party. We get food every day brought to us and new water and toys and I even get a pill that makes my chest feel so good.
L: Purr. I love watching you be so happy...
H: What are we going to do about Mommy?
L: What we always do: We'll keep double-teaming her until she smiles.
H: But the smiles go away...Sometimes I almost worry, but then I look at my food dish.
L: Don't worry, Henry. I got it covered.
H: Purr.
L: We lost mommy Karen almost a year ago. She made our mommy very happy and less worried, most of the time. So, Henry and I double-team mommy with purrs and snuggles. It helps while we do it.
H: That's why I like to do it all day.
L: I have the night shift, see. The trouble is, like me, mommy always worries.
H: purr. Look at me: I'm watching the world upside down on the windowsill!
L: We try to keep our mommy busy. For her sake...and for ours. Especially mine because I have a tendency to worry...
H: (coming over and tackling Larry) Larry, larry, larry. You are so ticklish!
L: purr...okay...purr...stop...purr, purr, purr...


Pacian said...

This is quite possibly one of the sweetest things I've ever read. I love how you get across your cats' personalities. They sound like lovely people.


Rachel Grynberg said...

They are incredible. I am very lucky to have these little guys.

Idiot Cook said...

What a fun read! Nice twist on the prompt. And they are cuties. :)

Michelle said...

What a good kitty mommy you are--not to mention writer. I loved the part about massages...yes, everything is especially made for cats!

NuttersNotes said...

Another post that makes me want to go back and rewrite mine! Dang it...a dialogue between my two cats. Oh well, you nailed it much better than mine. Humor and tragedy all in one....can't beat that.

Kerstin said...

What a wonderful and well written take on the prompt, very creative, articulate and, especially, funny! I was thinking of writing a dialogue between my cats but I could have never done it as wittily and imaginatively as you. Well done, hairless cat mommy :)

OutoftheBullpen said...

That compliment comes from Cassie, who is very pleased with your "impression" (please pardon the pun, she nudges) of the feline way! She finds it most "authentic" (there's no translation of that awful concept in cat) and your creative liberties made her sputter aloud, though I do not think Miss Ladylike Herself would want me to pass that observation on! She also requests the company of your two exceedingly handsome fellows at any time in the immediate 5 minutes please, or longer if it must be so. Smitten she is, and I am sure you have already told Henry and Larry!

That utterance of envy reflects my jealousy of your abilities, commongal, and perhaps not just mine!

Finally, this expression of appreciation for your blog overrides my insecurities and reflects the inspiration you provide.

Rose of Sharon said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. You have beautiful cats.