04 August, 2006

The subtitle of this blog

Ideally, I envisioned that people would come to read this blog and share their thoughts. I realized, however, that the more I wrote on this blog, the more I would need to tell about it's narrator. And there is no way for me to be able to fully explain my perspective without raising the issue of Asperger's Syndrome and that of Autism in general. I also suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, so I suppose I will discuss that, too. Inasmuch as I have been affected by any issues of social class, my ability to move and respond to these has been compounded by my individual neural wiring. Not to sound like Donald Rumsfeld, all I mean is, there's no escaping the fact that I don't think like everybody else. I'm literally not wired for parties, body language and to a lesser extent, subtext. A lifetime in the theater helped with the last one.

I'll explain more of what having Asperger's means, but two places which are important to go to for all things related to it are

www.grasp.org -- the legendary "by and for" people with A.S. organization
http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/ -- a veritable clearinghouse of info.

More to come...

1 comment:

Rachel Grynberg said...

Oh yeah. It would explain the way he talks. Not our best poster child, but he's definitely a "known known."