02 July, 2009

Why Tony Avella must win for Mayor

This is right off his webpage. Link to his Homepage http://www.tonyavellaformayor.com/

Take Back Our Schools
Tony Avella's record shows his commitment to creating an education system that works for all New Yorkers. As a City Council member, he worked closely with Parent Teacher Associations in Northeast Queens to make his school districts the best in the five boroughs. And when the Mayor failed to provide money for classroom technology, Tony secured the funding to acquire state-of-the-art computer labs and to install Internet wiring in schools. As Mayor, the first thing Tony will do is fire Joel Klein and replace him with an experienced educator. He'll also allocate funds so that we're investing in our kids, not in bloated bureaucracies or corporate testing systems. Tony believes no one understands education better than the teachers, principals, and parents. He'll make sure these stakeholders have a voice and a seat at the table when planning the future of our schools. As Mayor, Tony will:
Fire Joel Klein as the head of the Department of Education and replace him with an experienced educator
Open up the Department of Education to the parents and teachers who know our schools best
Stop teaching to the test so that our kids can enjoy learning again
Ensure that every school and every child has access to the latest technology and computers
Begin the process of reinstating free tuition at the CUNY colleges

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