17 February, 2009

"Yes," to the Stimulus Passage. Duh?


The above link will take you to Ann Pettifor's concise, clear and brilliant argument for the stimulus package. It's interesting that she uses an interview with Jeffrey Sachs as her jumping off point, but is too polite to mention how his idea for economic stimulus nearly destroyed the Russian and Polish economies.

Don't we know that a "stimulus package" is THE LEAST we should be doing..... Or does no one actually do research but just read revisionist ideas about FDR. I started hearing that The New Deal didn't save the economy in seventh and eighth grade, just as the Reagan era approached.

I remember, too, that in a school election, we didn't elect Reagan. But, what did we know, we were just a bunch of bright little kids? We thought his ideas sounded crazy. Even the girl who got to represent Reagan found she had to keep emphasizing the last syllable of his name as a way to underscore the basic thread of his policies -- "gun." Defense, guns, rough talk. Having just re-watched Bowling for Columbine it feels like she was on to something.

That was a horrible election year in NY. Jack Javits ruined things for Liz Holtsman and John Anderson screwed things up for Jimmy Carter nationwide.

At my school's little election Javits won because I played me instead of him, which infuriated my English teacher at the time. Still, in the real world had that happened, he'd've won, died the next year and then a Democrat would've been placed in his stead -- not as bad as having Al D'Amato just win, as did happen. The school voted for John Anderson, who endorsed Obama in this campaign. So, had Carter been displaced by Anderson maybe things would've been different. We were just a bunch of kids now suffering as adults from the choices the adults made back then. This is not to say that the election eligibility age should be dropped to 12. Though it wasn't the 12 and 13 year olds who voted, but everyone younger...

All the more reason to read Pettifor's article though because it confirms that the stimulus package will help the 12 and 13 year olds and their younger friends when they are 41...and 64.

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