03 February, 2007

Other teachers

I've recently discovered other teachers' blogs. So that people can more easily find info on BCNHS, I've temporarily placed some non-school related posts in my drafts folder.


Pacian said...

I was going to comment on your funky snoopy.

Remember that the new Blogger has categories. You could label all your school posts as such, then put a link at the top of the page saying, 'For school related posts only, click here.'

Rachel Grynberg said...

I'll do that. I'll put the snoopy back up as soon as I can.

Rachel Grynberg said...

Actually, I'm having a bit of trouble -- how do you create the link? But, also, I have so many school postings, this could tire me out a bit. I'll try though. Thanks.

Rachel Grynberg said...

got it...

OutoftheBullpen said...

Could you post links to some of the blogs by teachers?