24 November, 2006

Happy Re-Birthday Queequeg!!

We almost forgot the miracle that happened on one Thanksgiving several years ago...we didn't forget, but we forgot to NOTE it because we were so busy dealing with our sad and cranky mommy. That's Queequeg looking both angelic and fierce while sitting on the paperwork for MommySharon's gym membership.

Several years ago...about six or so (before we were born)...our big brother Queegueg was very sick and had to be rushed to the hospital on Thanksgiving. He was in something called ketoacidosis, which we hear means the body is very, very hungry. (Henry gets anxious thinking about it.) Just a day before, the foolish covering doctor at the very nice, very reputable veterinary hospital he normally visited (his regular doctor would've known better, but was already away) had said that he was probably diabetic, but WASN'T IN DANGER of going into ketoacidosis (that hungry thing happens because you can't process your food without insulin), but she was WRONG, and MommySharon came home to find Queequeg very sick and ran him to the 24 hour emergency room at the Animal Medical Center. When he arrived at the hospital, he was like a floppy cat, but brave MommySharon and his doctors got right to him. This one pretty doctor worked very closely on him and we hear she even had to help him breathe with something like a kiss (Larry is very interested in this and will ask Dr. Boyd about this on the sly when she weighs him next time he's at the hospital). That night, he sat in ICU looking like an ANGRY, but healing Queequeg and almost a week later, he BIT THE DOCTOR! which meant he was pretty much a HEALTHY Queequeg. The doctor had been playing with him and his favorite Mr. Spider. So, it made sense to bite her because it was his way of letting her know that, thanks to her, HE WAS BACK. Two days later, he came home. And he was home for years after --except for the many times he flew with MommySharon to his GrandmaMommy's in Chicago. There he visited and playfully terrorized his sister, Cassie. We lost Quiggy over a year ago to a combination of things we couldn't catch faster than they could come at us. He was 18. We thought he would live forever. Especially given his heroic return that Thanksgiving and for the long time after.

So, on Thanksgiving night, Queequeg was re-born. Which means he shares a birthday with Karen which makes all the sense in the world since they both like to fly (and they both could be feisty and cute at the same time).

I love you Queequeg. --MommyRaine.
Us, too-- Larry and Henry
We miss you every minute of every day.

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