07 August, 2010

It's Bernie's Third Anniversary

Around this time of year, three years ago, Bernie came to live with us. I believe it was August 8, but I'm not sure so we're celebrating the whole week. As you may or may not know Bernie is our three year old mix of Siberian Forest Cat, Tabby and some other wonderful cats, found on the street by our veterinarian's assistant. Specifically, it was Henry's cardiologist's assistant who found him. So, it was as meant to be as one could say, since we had lost Henry almost a month before. We never admit, or we rarely do, that Henry has left us, since he was so impossibly wonderful that he was almost mythological even as a full-blooded, pink-eared, white and grey furred litter-mate of Larry.

Bernie, like Larry and all of his forebears, has become the hero of his own epic. Bernillius, Bernoolius, BERNSTEIN (when he's engaged in mischief), Purrnee, etc. is called "The Master of Joy" around here. Recently, he and Larry went to the vet. It was Larry's first time at Bernie's vet and he had a panic attack. So Larry jumped into Bernie's carrier. At first, I separated them, thinking that would be too close for comfort (it's the largest carrier Sherpa makes and it held Fred who neared 25 pounds so it was just big enough for two). Then Larry threw up on his own carrier and I put him back in with Bernie and he absolutely calmed down. Bernie turned to his side and cradled Larry. It wasn't the first mensch-like act of Bernie's, but the one that confirmed that our cherry-nosed wonder is also a full-blown MENSCH. He held Larry the whole ride home and Larry didn't let out a peep. When I lowered the carrier onto the living room floor and unzipped it, they took their time coming out. The two were snuggling comfortably and they peered out of the carrier and slowly emerged. Bernie had infused Larry with warmth, calm and love, and when he calmed down,he returned it. They stayed very close for a while, Bernie making sure Larry was okay even out of the carrier before they returned to their normal routine of bouncing and leaping and teasing and the occasional play-fight. He also, as the SECOND PICTURE shows, is a staunch advocate for all good things (like playing with the cat dancer and cuddling) and that is the look he gives me when he feels I am not listening.

We begin what will probably turn into a two-week celebration (to allow me to take care of some other things which have come up and give Bernie the attention he deserves). He has just had the inaugural meal -- a small plate of steamed broccoli, his favorite food.

Happy Bernie Weeks! We couldn't be doing anything without you, you little miracle, you!

(To see Bernie's first intro on this blog, go to

Can you figure out which picture was Bernie THREE YEARS AGO?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you love your cats and they love you back and everything happens for a reason maybe he was sent as a reminder that everyone needs a home and everyone needs to be loved and he loves you as much as you love him Happy Bernie week