19 May, 2009

Cat Lineage

Every so once in a while, I look at breeds of cats for possible links to Larry, Henry and Bernie. Since Larry and Henry were littermates, I had to find a breed which had their exact faces and body types and also their differences. For Bernie, I had to find a match for that TRIPLE PURR he has which also rings. I found it. Yesterday, I mis-remembered it as the Norwegian Forest Cat. Actually, it's the Siberian Cat who also likes water, has that purr and likes to greet people at the door. I've even seen pictures of ones with the characteristic chocolate chip cookie dough moustasche. The Turkish Van has Larry's unmistakable and very hard to match red -- a kind of strawberry/gold. It also has the sweetness, the love of water and the intelligence. Both cats are considered extremely bright and people friendly to the point of being dog-like. That's my guys all right.
I also think there might be some Abyssinian in Larry and Henry because Larry didn't get Henry's poofiness and he has this dry wit that is very much his own no matter where he got it from. I've seen better matches than the Abyssinian pictured, but it's close. The Abyssinian and the Turkish Van are top. The relative of Bernie's is the one with the ribbon. If the cat is a relative of Bernie's then behind that expression is the thought "Oh dear. This is going to take a bit to tear up."

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